Inspiring Minds of Utah
Inspiring Minds LLC is devoted to teaching children with dyslexia how to read.
We teach the way you learn!
Upcoming Events
Summer Reading Intensive
Summer reading programs being offered 2 or 4 days a week.
Runs June 3-July 19
A bit about Inspiring Minds
Inspiring Minds of Utah is located in Lehi, Utah. We are dyslexia specialists. We use systematic reading programs designed to help children who are diagnosed with dyslexia or children who exhibit several of the classic warning signs. We are certified in The Take Flight Curriculum and SPIRE. These are both Orton-Gillingham methods that are research-based and break down reading and spelling rules for students. They both have WONDERFUL results for students struggling in reading, writing and spelling.
Students with dyslexia learn best when they use a multi-sensory approach. Both programs use multi sensory (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) pathways simultaneously to help students overcome language processing issues. This method creates an environment where students are better able to store and retrieve information.
Providing students with dyslexia the tools they will need to succeed for the rest of their lives is not a quick fix. Programs take two-four years to implement depending on the severity of a child’s learning difference.
Service INfo.
We serve students based on their needs. We have one to three students per class and require they come twice a week for 45-minute sessions. Students have an initial screening and consultation to determine their needs.
Initial screening:
Screening and Consultation $450
Class costs vary depending on the student’s need. For example 1 on 1 will cost more than a class with three students. Classes do not exceed three students at a time